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411 University St, Seattle, USA

+1 -800-456-478-23

Credit Assessment Platform Achieves 30% ROI and $1M in First Year

Project Scenario

The UK-based Fintech Organisation wanted to enable credit access for people based on personality traits and willingness to repay. The client required a standalone system that could analyse the creditworthiness of applicants using behavioural patterns and other characteristics.


ReactJS, NodeJS, Python, Flutter (Mobile), Kafka, MongoDB, AWS resources, Kubernetes, Redux, Striking Dash (Template), AWS Cognito, serverless, secret manager, lambda, cloud watch, AWS events


United Kingdom




There was a huge hindrance in calculating willingness to repay and in analysing the credit history of thin-file loan applicants. This resulted in a drain of worthy applicants due to the need for productive credit history availability accounting for various reasons. Managing huge amounts of data, especially with the size of data received from the device was also a big challenge.

Solution and Impact

In under 30 days, we launched a comprehensive credit assessment solution that empowered the client to start generating revenue within 3 months of the pilot, achieving a 30% higher ROI than projected. The platform seamlessly analysed creditworthiness based on behavioural data, enabling broader financial inclusion.
To see how this innovative solution delivered $1 million in revenue in Year 1 and supported future growth, download the full case study.


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